Sunday, October 31, 2010

G'day Mates!!
We landed in Auckland, New Zealand on Monday morning at 9:00 am after leaving Mpls. at 12:30 pm Saturday afternoon!! There is an 18 hr. time difference - you do the math!! The flight was 14 hrs. long..not as bad as I thought, but long enough.
Landed without a hitch, however, as we were waiting to board the tour bus from the Airport, I discovered I had left my computer on the plane!!! What an awful start to the trip!!! After about an hour, it was found!! Everyone on the tour was so nice and understanding while waiting. Thought for sure I was never going to see it again!!
It is now almost 5:00 pm and we are going into the town of Rotorua and see more sights. It is beautifully plush green here in New Zealand.
Better time is almost up!!


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