Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Greetings from Canberra! Sad to say this will be my last blog as we will be leaving here in 2 days to fly back to the States! I calculated that from the time we leave here to the time we get to our house we will have been traveling for 27 hrs.!! WOW!! We have been enjoying our stay here in Canberra. Very different city from Sydney and Melboune....very layed back. Canberra is the Capitol city of Australia so all of the Parliment offices are here and the majority of employment is with the Govt. We spent 2 days at a Villa near the Ocean at a city called Bateman's Bay....spectacular view and the weather was unbelievable!! A great 2 days of relaxation. These two photos I have included here are of some Kangaroos in the wild (very exciting for me to see)....and a Kookaburra that was on our deck!
I will post more pictures on Facebook as soon as I return. I hope you all enjoyed following us on our journey!!
Good day!!

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