Friday, November 12, 2010


We started at 8:30 for an all day tour of Melbourne. First stop was at Ashcombe Maze and Lavender Gardens. We had a blast trying to figure out how to get out of the three mazes. The grounds were beautiful. Had a great lunch which included soup (pumpkin), salad and chips which are really fries. After lunch we went to sunny Ridge Strawberry Farm, one of Australia’s largest producers of strawberries, for dessert. Our dessert was a Strawberry Sundae …..strawberry ice cream, strawberries with strawberry sauce and whipped cream....yummo!!

Our next stop was at the Moonlit Sanctuary Wildlife Conservation Park where I was able to pet a Koala. We also fed the Walaby’s, saw Dingo’s, Kangaroos (one with a Joey), an Imu, and cockatoos.

Our next stop was on Phillip Island for the parade of Little Penguins. At dusk, and not a minute before, all the little penguins come back to shore from their long day at sea gathering fish for their young back home in their burrows. Some travel 60 miles at sea in search for food and travel a couple miles back on land back to the burrow. It was truly an amazing site to see. Thousands of penguins come to shore every night only to repeat the routine again early morning!! Those little penguins are so cute measuring only about a foot and a half.

We arrived back at our hotel about 11:30 that evening.

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