Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday took us through the countryside on to Christchurch. There are pastures everywhere filled with sheep and this being spring, there are many little lambs following close by their mothers - so cute. We had to slow down crossing one bridge to let a herd of sheep cross the road ahead of us – just like the movies! Came across a couple of farms with Alpaca and Llama and over here they even raise deer!!

The New Zealand Alps nestled behind Lake Tekapo is magnificent with the beautiful turquoise color of the Lake contrasting the snow covered mountains. The highest peak, Mt. Cook, is 14,000 ft. high and is the tallest peak in NZ. We arrived in Chirstchurch about 5:00 and after a bit of a rest we joined others for dinner in a quaint Pub not far from hour Hotel. Shepherds pie, pumpkin soup and NZ beer with the locals!!

Today, Monday, we took a morning tour of Christchurch and then visited the International Antarctic Center which is the southern most spot send off spot for anyone going to Antarctica. Saw little penguins and dressed up for a chilling adventure to a below zero experience as if we were actually in actually wasn't much different than shoveling the driveway in a snow storm in Minnesota!!! In a few minutes we are going "punting" which is a British term for a gondola ride down the Avon river.

Tonight is our last night in NZ...we have a VERY early flight to Melbourne so it's early to bed!!

See you in Australia!!

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